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10 South takes home Miss. Main Street award

Published 10:54 am Friday, June 24, 2016, The Vicksburg Post


Overlooking much of downtown Vicksburg, 10 South Rooftop Bar and Grill has quickly become a local dining staple for the year it’s been perched atop the old First National Bank building on Washington Street.

As a testament to its success, 10 South won the Outstanding New Development Project Award at the Mississippi Main Street Association’s 27th Annual awards luncheon in downtown Jackson on June 16.


Downtown merchants get lesson on promotions

Published 9:46 am Friday, April 29, 2016, The Vicksburg Post


Our local Main Street organization has been working with a state Main Street representative to grow and promote downtown.

Vicksburg Main Street hosted a Power Promotions Workshop for local merchants at The Wine House Wednesday with Jan Miller, the director of field services for Mississippi Main Street.

She described the role of the organization in the development of downtown.


Main Street, City turn focus to preservation

Published 9:43 am Thursday, May 19, 2016, The Vicksburg Post


The Vicksburg Main Street Program along with the city of Vicksburg and multiple other organizations announced May as National Preservation Month and Bike Month in Vicksburg.

Vicksburg Main Street executive director Kim Hopkins and assistant director Rebecca Sigh received a proclamation from Mayor George Flaggs Jr. and Aldermen Michael Mayfield and Willis Thompson pronouncing both months would be observed during May in Vicksburg.


Hopkins: Small businesses are the backbone of our community

Published 10:25 am Thursday, May 5, 2016, The Vicksburg Post 


Downtown is full of small businesses, and this week those businesses are being highlighted nationally.

This first week of May marks National Small Business Week sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The Vicksburg Main Street Program has joined in on the fun by showing webinars created by the Small Business Administration.


After years of striving, downtown is thriving

10 South Opening

Published 6:23 pm Saturday, March 12, 2016, The Vicksburg Post


Downtown Vicksburg has undergone quite the transformation in recent years because of the hard of work of multiple people looking to better the city.

Occupancy rates in downtown have shifted dramatically over the past couple of years. A vacancy percentage somewhere between 65 and 80 percent was reported in downtown just a few years ago.


Downtown at Dusk

Downtown At Dusk

Talk of the Town - As Featured in Travel and Adventure

Kim Hopkins

kim hopkins: vicksburg’s vibrant voice


by sandra massey buckley | photo by nikki mckenzie


With deep roots in arts, culture, and history, Vicksburg is a thriving community situated on the Mississippi River boasting vibrant experiences for residents and visitors— from fine dining, specialty shopping, and year-round festivals and events to beautiful historic homes, museums, and art galleries.

     “Vicksburg is not the kind of town you can visit without feeling the historic energy,” says Kim Hopkins, executive director of the Vicksburg Main Street Program.

Read more: Talk of the Town - As Featured in Travel and Adventure

July 4th Fireworks Extravaganza

July 4th Fireworks Extravaganza 2016

Riverfest 2016

riverfest town page-min

Vicksburg Wins Best Main Street Award

downtown Vicksburg was named #1 in the top 10 main streets of Mississippi in the "2016 Great American Main Street Awards".

Quoted from

"Last year, the city of Vicksburg entered the “2016 Great American Main Street Awards” contest and placed in the top 10 – a huge honor, especially since most first time entrants do not place at all.

Read more: Vicksburg Wins Best Main Street Award

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