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Maintaining a Thriving Downtown

It takes all of us to make Downtown go and grow!


Download Our Membership Form


Anyone can be involved in Main Street. You do not have to be in the Main Street Taxing District or even be a downtown business to be a part of this vital program.


Tourism-related businesses such as attractions, restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments are invited to become members.

Volunteers are the most important part of the program. Main Street welcomes anyone who wants to be a part of the revitalization of the heart of the city.


Government employees, representatives from local industry, and professionals from the legal and medical fields have all had a part in and continue to contribute to the success of this program.


If you would like more information on Vicksburg's Main Street Program, or if you would like to become one of the many volunteers working to make Downtown Vicksburg once again the center of community life and civic pride, contact us:


P.O. Box 150
Vicksburg, MS 39181
E-Mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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