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St. Paul Catholic Church

St. Paul Catholic Church

We, the members of St. Paul Parish, Vicksburg, Mississippi, believe that through baptism and reception of the Holy Spirit, we have been called as a people of God to more closely follow the words and examples of Jesus.


We place our complete trust in His message that we are members of one family in Him, and that we are charged to bear witness to our brothers and sister that through Jesus all things are made new.


We cherish the dignity and right to life of all persons, and strive to seek the better good of all the members of the family of God.


We commit ourselves to more closely follow his command to love and forgive those who harm us, to work for justice among our less fortunate, and to invite all people to join with us in striving for salvation.




Although it is possible that priests, accompanying De Soto's expedition, passed the present site of Vicksburg as early as 1642, the first resident priest, Reverend M. D. O'Reilly, came to Vicksburg in 1839.


He made rapid progress in the area and by 1841 had purchased a lot on the east side of Walnut Street between South and Crawford Streets and erected a frame church. By 1843, plans were being made for a larger church.


In 1847, the lot on the northwest corner of Crawford and Walnut was purchased and a beautiful Gothic church, erected on this location, was dedicated on October 14, 1849. This edifice was severely damaged by a tornado in 1953 and had to be demolished.


The cornerstone for the present St. Paul Church was laid in 1956 and the first Sunday Mass was offered in the church on February 10, 1957.



Contact Information 


713 Crawford Street
Vicksburg, MS 39180


clock Hours: Saturday Vigil, 5:30 p.m., Sunday, 10:30 a.m., Daily Mass Monday—Friday, 7:00 a.m.


phonePhone: (601) 636-0140


email email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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