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Church of the Holy Trinity

Church of the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church has been a place of spiritual refreshment for nearly 150 years and remains an active congregation of the Diocese of Mississippi. With its slate roof and steeple, the church can be spotted from all parts of the city.

Read more: Church of the Holy Trinity

Crawford Street UMC

Crawford Street UMC

The United Methodist Church has many doors through which people share in serving God and others. Whether you visit in person or via the Internet, we hope you discover something here to encourage you in your spiritual journey.

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First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church Vicksburg

We are a body of believers committed to worshiping and serving Jesus Christ. As a Southern Baptist Church, we join with like-minded Christians in spreading the gospel in our city, state, nation, and around the world.

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First Presbyterian

First Presbyterian

First Presbyterian Church, Vicksburg, is a member of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). Our mission is "To know Christ and to make Him known". Below are descriptions of some of the ministries we utilize to help us accomplish our mission.

Read more: First Presbyterian

House of Israel Hebrew Culture Center

House of Israel Hebrew Culture Center

We are a Hebrew Israelite group that teach and obey the laws of the true and living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We keep the Sabbath and all of God's Holy Days. We teach both the new and old testaments of the Holy Bible, KJV.

Read more: House of Israel Hebrew Culture Center

St. Paul Catholic Church

St. Paul Catholic Church

We, the members of St. Paul Parish, Vicksburg, Mississippi, believe that through baptism and reception of the Holy Spirit, we have been called as a people of God to more closely follow the words and examples of Jesus.


We place our complete trust in His message that we are members of one family in Him, and that we are charged to bear witness to our brothers and sister that through Jesus all things are made new.

Read more: St. Paul Catholic Church

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