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First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church Vicksburg

We are a body of believers committed to worshiping and serving Jesus Christ. As a Southern Baptist Church, we join with like-minded Christians in spreading the gospel in our city, state, nation, and around the world.


Our vision, "Reaching, Touching, and Influencing with Christ's Love," is more than just a catchy phrase. We hope that it gives you insight into just who we are – people who desire to impact our relationships with the love of Jesus Christ.


Christ reached out to people of all ages and backgrounds and at First Baptist Church we desire to do the same. That's why at First Baptist you'll discover ministries geared to various life stages and needs. We have a place for everyone to study the Bible, develop life-long relationships, and minister to each other and to others through numerous service opportunities.



Contact Information 


1607 Cherry St
Vicksburg, MS 39180


clock Hours: Wed: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm, Sun: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


phonePhone: (601) 636-2493


email email:


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