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November 08, 2015 - November 14, 2015
November 08, 2015 - November 14, 2015

Steamboat Arrives - AQ

08:00am - 06:00pm 

Steamboat docks at Vicksburg Waterfront

Steamboat Arrives - Eagle

08:30am - 05:30pm 

Steamboat docks at Vicksburg Waterfrontont. 

Steamboat Arrives - QOM

08:30am - 05:00pm 

The Queen of the Mississippi owned by American Cruise Lines will dock at the city riverfront. 

Hit The Bricks

05:00pm - 07:30pm 

Join Downtown businesses for Hit the Bricks Fashion Show on Thursday, November 12, 2015, from 5:00-7:30 p.m. The Fashion Show ...

Holiday Fashion Show

05:00pm - 07:30pm 

Join Downtown businesses for Hit the Bricks Fashion Show on Thursday, November 12, 2015, from 5:00-7:30 p.m. The Fashion Show ...

Farmers Market

09:00am - 01:00pm 

We are pleased to announce the Vicksburg Farmers Market 2015 Fall schedule. The market will open October 3, 2015 and ...

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