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The Old Courthouse Museum

Old Courthouse Museum

Confederate flags, including one that was never surrendered, the tie worn by Jefferson Davis at his inauguration as Confederate President, fine portraits, china and silver, exquisite antique furniture, the trophy antlers won by the steamboat Robert E Lee in an 1870 race, antebellum clothing, toys, Indian and pioneer implements,

and an original Teddy Bear given to a local child by Theodore Roosevelt are just a few of the thousands of artifacts which are housed in the Old Court House Museum- Eva W. Davis Memorial.


The Old Court House, built in 1858, stands today as Vicksburg's most historic structure and has hosted such guests and speakers as Jefferson Davis, Ulysses S. Grant, Booker T. Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and William McKinley. Won't you visit us too?



Contact Information 


Vicksburg Foundation for Historic Preservation

1008 Cherry Street
Vicksburg, MS  39183


clock Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:30-4:30, Sunday 1:30-4:30, Open until 5:00 during Daylight Savings Time


phonePhone: 601-636-0741


email email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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