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Levee Street Market Place

Marketplace showcasing Antiques, Arts, Jewelry, Vintage, Food, High End Clothing, Homemade treasures, & many more. Come visit us in downtown Vicksburg, MS on Catfish Row & catch a beautiful view of the river.


We are so excited to be starting this new adventure in retail! Come check out our unique collection of treasures from all parts of the south. We are in search of VENDORS to showcase their prized gifts and creations in an excellent location for locals and tourist to shop.


WANTED: Southern made crafts, arts, refurbished furniture, baked goods, jellies, preserved foods, and gifts.


Contact Information:

  • 1001 Levee St
  • Vicksburg, Mississippi 39183


phonePhone (601) 638-7191


email Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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