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Highway 61 Coffee Shop

Highway 61 Coffee Shop

Nestled in the heart of the historic district of Vicksburg, just steps away from the Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum and a refurbished Civil War cannon, the Attic Gallery and Highway 61 Coffeehouse offer visitors something for all of their senses.


Inside the brightly lit cafe, locals gather for coffee, smoothies and bagels, a throw-back to the pre-Internet days when the general store was the place to go to meet people and hear news and gossip. Black-and-white photographs of rural Mississippi scenes and citizens fill the establishment, connecting the business to its legendary namesake U.S. 61, the "Blues Highway," that runs north through the Mississippi Delta from Vicksburg to Clarksdale. "We have our coffee roasted for us once a week. It's ground right before the customers consume it," said owner Daniel W. Boone.


Contact Information 


1101 Washington St
Vicksburg, Mississippi


clock Hours: Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Sat: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


phonePhone: (601) 638-9221


email email:


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