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Lorelei Books

Lorelei Books

A community's cultural life is its soul, and where independent bookstores can be found, they are at the heart of the community. Lorelei Books is, for Vicksburg, one of those special community gathering places. People come in search of good books to read and end up in conversation with one another. Laura Weeks regularly creates book events that bridge the distance between readers and authors, adding further to community discourse. As long as we pull books from the shelves of bookstores like Vicksburg's Lorelei, whether to stretch our minds or make us laugh, we can rest assured that our communities are growing along with us.


Contact Info:


1103 Washington St
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180


phone Phone: (601) 634-8624


clock Hours: Tue - Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


email Email: 


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