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B'nai B'rith (BB Club)

B B CLub

The historic B'nai B'rith Literary Association building known as The BB Club is located in scenic downtown Vicksburg. The BB Club provides an elegant backdrop for wedding receptions, banquets, luncheons, dinners or any party you desire. Discounts for rehearsal dinner/ceremony/wedding event combinations. The BB Club was built in 1916 as the B'nai B'rith Literary Association, a Jewish social club.


The club was known from Memphis to New Orleans for its lavish affairs. The Club's beautiful hand-carved limestone exterior and marble steps are just a hint of the beauty that awaits those entering The B B CLub.


In the early 1960s the Jewish community of Vicksburg sold the building to The City of Vicksburg. For the next 35 years, the building housed the City's police department. Although the City occupied every "nook & cranny" of the building, no damage was done to the fabulous architectural features.


In the mid 1990s the police department moved to a new modern building and The B B Club was sold to local businessmen committed to historic preservation. The building has been restored to its original grandeur and a modern kitchen has been installed.


Catering Available


Contact Information 


721 Clay Street
Vicksburg, MS 39183


clock Hours: 


phonePhone: 601-636-0008


email email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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