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Balfour House

Balfour House

Balfour House (1835). Corner of Cherry and Crawford. Home of famous Vicksburg siege diarist Emma Balfour. Was the setting for one of the most dramatic moments in Vicksburg history when the Balfours hosted a Christmas Eve ball in 1862 for Confederate officers and their ladies. A little past midnight a courier interrupted the festivities to deliver a message to Gen. M. L. Smith.

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Bazsinsky House

Bazsinsky House

Two conflicting stories; one a fifty-three page handwritten family history, the other a researched account of documented events, address the property from as early as 1840. Both conclude that the majestic structure, built by Joseph Bazsinsky as a town house, remained a home for his large Jewish family through four generations until early in the twenty-first century.

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Catfish Row

Catfish Row

A creative adventure into the history of the Mississippi River and the fabulous paddle wheel steamboats that once traveled its mighty waters. Enjoy all the sights and musical sounds within the park and imagine the Mississippi River life that once flourished along these waterways. Explore playful areas, garden area walks, the splash fountain, children's art, murals and unique exhibits. Handicapped accessible.

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George Washington Ball House

According to land records, George Washington Ball, a well-to-do, distant cousin of our first president, built this Federal style house about 1822, making it one of the largest homes in "Old Town" Vicksburg at the time. In fact, Ball's neighbors included the early founders of Vicksburg.

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Riverfront Murals

Riverfront Murals

Vicksburg: A Unique American Community


On April 12, 2002, the City of Vicksburg unveiled its first riverfront mural by renowned artist Robert Dafford. The electricity of this project spread across the South and up and down the Mississippi River.

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Warren County-Vicksburg Public LIbrary

Warren County- Vicksburg Public Library

The Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library was founded in 1916 with the help of funds from library philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. It was housed in a building at the corner of Monroe and South Streets. For many years, a separate branch housed a library for the African-American citizens of the community. The two were combined in the 1970's and in 1979 moved into the spacious structure at 700 Veto Street, the present library site.

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Beidenharn Coca-Cola Museum

Beidenharn Coca-Cola Museum

The Biedenharn Coca-Cola Museum features the history of one of the Nation's beloved beverages, along with equipment of the type that Joseph Biedenharn used to bottle Coke for the first time anywhere in the world in 1894.


A wide variety of original Coca-Cola advertising and memorabilia is on display to allow the visitor to follow the evolution of "The Pause That Refreshes!"

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Jesse Brent Lower Mississippi River Museum

Lower Mississippi River Museum

Explore life on the Mississippi River! Find out how different communities, farming families, and the US Army Corps of Engineers have all utilized the river. Choose your own adventure on the river with the Mississippi Trail Interactive. Hear what the 1927 flood was like for a family that lived through it.

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The Old Courthouse Museum

Old Courthouse Museum

Confederate flags, including one that was never surrendered, the tie worn by Jefferson Davis at his inauguration as Confederate President, fine portraits, china and silver, exquisite antique furniture, the trophy antlers won by the steamboat Robert E Lee in an 1870 race, antebellum clothing, toys, Indian and pioneer implements,

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The Old Depot Museum

The Old Depot Museum

Begin your Vicksburg experience where all modes of transportation meet. See how they relate to the Siege of Vicksburg.


The Old Depot Museum is dedicated to preserving Vicksburg's rich history and heritage. The museum is home to over 100 models of Civil War gunboats. 

Read more: The Old Depot Museum

Yesterday's Children Antique Doll & Toy Museum

Yesterday's Children

The Wonder of Childhood, children and toys captured in over 1,000 dolls dating back to 1843 in an historic setting.

Collectors, children, and doll and toy enthusiasts will revel in the magnificent and extensive displays of dolls and toys of the 19th and 20 century.

Read more: Yesterday's Children Antique Doll & Toy Museum

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