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HC Porter

HC Porter Gallery

H.C. Porter's original works of art are classified as mixed-media because they incorporate photography, printmaking and painting. They begin as black and white "environmental portraits" and are transferred onto paper with black ink using a silkscreen. Each piece is completed using acrylic paint and prisma color pencils to add color and detail. Each piece is a uniquely painted one of a kind, although the same image is utilized more than once.


Porter's style began in 1992 with "Avenue for Art," a grant-funded neighborhood art project for children. Porter eventually incorporated the neighborhood children into her work. Since, she has applied her style to other areas of the state, documenting the lives of fellow Mississippians. In September 2005, two weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Porter's attention turned toward the people of her home state living in the aftermath of that devastating storm.



Contact Information 


1216 Washington St
Vicksburg, Mississippi


clock Hours: Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:30 pm, Sat: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm


phonePhone: (601) 661-9444


email email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





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